Loren R Fisher
Literary Genres in PRU IV
Knutson, F Brent. "Literary Genres in PRU IV." In The Ras Shamra Parallels: The Text from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible, edited by Loren R. Fisher and Don F. Morgan, 153-214. Vol. 2. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1975.
Literary Phrases
Schoors, Antoon. "Literary Phrases." In The Ras Shamra Parallels: The Texts from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible, edited by Loren R. Fisher, 1:1-70. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1972.
The Ras Shamra Parallels: The Texts from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible
Fisher, Loren R.. The Ras Shamra Parallels: The Texts from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible. Vol. 1-2. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1972.
3 vols., AnOr 49-51.
Stan Rummel edited vol. 3.
Ugaritic-Hebrew Parallel Pairs
Dahood, Mitchell J.. "Ugaritic-Hebrew Parallel Pairs." In The Ras Shamra Parallels: Texts from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible, edited by Loren R. Fisher, 1:71-382, 2:1-39. Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1972.